Is workers compensation insurance required in California?
workers compensation is required in California. But they required may oscillate depending regarding each scenario.FOR example, sole Proprietors are not Required by California play to carry workers compensation. If there are no additional employees.

This means share period, full period, drama, seasonal, intimate member, etc. By employees, this means share period, full period, seasonal, intimate member, etc. Further staring 1/1/17 corporate officer gone15% or more am massing ownership in a corporation can be excluded (as of no 1 percent or more qualifiers)in additional L L C member and general partnership buddies.
It is selected important, however, that if a California employer. Regardless of formation type, hires even a single employee, regardless of formation type, hares even a single employee, that workers compensation is placed prior to haring
The exception to all of the rules. I stated above in solves contractors. Roofers required to get sticking to of workers compensation coverage and file proof by C S L B even without employees.
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