Adversaries of workers’ compensation laws in Illinois cite fraudulent employee claims as a reason for reform. While fraud does exist, the number of workers who make fraudulent claims is minuscule. Instead, it's employers who are more likely to interact in deceptive practices. Employers want to save money on the workers’ compensation insurance they're required to provide. As a result, some attempt to cut corners while lying to their workers. When employers commit workers’ compensation fraud, they will leave their injured employees responsible for covering their own medical expenses. For having more information at first go on workers compensation audit
Fake Compliance
Illinois law mandates that all employers carry workers’ compensation insurance within the event of an employee being injured on the work. Intentionally failing to provide the insurance may be a felony which will
result in heavy penalties, including:
- Daily fines until compliance;
- Possible prison sentences; and
- A stop-work order imposed by the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission.
Employers must post proof of their workers’ compensation coverage in a place that employees can view it. However, some employers create fake certificates so that employees will believe that the employer is compliant. it's only after a workplace injury occurs that workers realize that their employer has deceived them.
Misclassified Workers
Employers can economize on their workers’ compensation insurance by lying to an insurance firm about the workers being covered. Insurers will charge higher premiums to employers whose workers are at greater risk of injury. An employer may lie around the sort of labor, its employees do or classify full-time employees as independent contractors. This qualifies the employer for a less expensive insurance plan but may leave the workers with inadequate coverage for the damaging work they are doing.
False Statements
Employers with workers’ compensation insurance don't directly buy their employees’ workplace injuries. However, they know that allowing successful claims may:
- Cause insurance companies to extend their premiums; and
- Leave them susceptible to lawsuits if they try to terminate the injured employees.
Insurers are trying to find evidence that will help them deny compensation claims. An employer can help the insurer and itself by lying about what caused the worker’s injury. it's going to claim that the worker was acting recklessly or performing a task outside of his or her work responsibilities. The lies can give the insurer reason to believe that the claimant’s work wasn't.

See more about this topic: Workers Comp Audit