বুধবার, ১৩ মার্চ, ২০১৯

What You Should Know About Workers’ Compensation Checks?

You should know about workers compensation checks

Under the compensation laws of the state's workers, injured employees receiving benefits must report to the insurer of their employer any income they earn. For example, if a person worked at a single job, only reporting the salary from that source would require him or her. However, someone who worked in two jobs and was injured while working in the primary job would have to report both sources of income, even though the second job is only part-time.

Fortunately, under Pennsylvania law, at the time the employee was injured, insurers are required to take into account income from all forms of employment. This means that even if an employee is injured in one job, both employers ' salaries will be considered as if they were earned only by the employer who is liable for workers compensation audit. As a result, injured employees are eligible to collect from both jobs two-thirds of the combined weekly wages.

If an injured party is able to work on a full or part-time basis, whether it is for the primary employer or a secondary employer, it must report this to the insurance company immediately, which will then adjust the benefits accordingly to the additional income account. This process has been put in place to prevent what is called double dipping, which occurs when an employee receives full benefits while also collecting a paycheck from another job.

Working in another job or getting a new job while receiving compensation benefits from workers is not always a good idea, as it can convince the primary employer that the injured worker is fully recovered and no longer needs benefits. This should not dissuade a person from reporting a second income, however, as failure to do so could be perceived as employee fraud, punishable not only by the loss of benefits but also by criminal penalties. Ultimately, whether a person should start working part-time depends on his or her case's specific circumstances.

See more about the topic: Workers comp audit

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